Grids, auto-filters and search boxes

Grids, auto-filters and search boxes

In this video, we’re looking at grids, auto-filters and search boxes in CadTracker.

Customise the layout
Customise the layout

Most grids in CadTracker are customisable and your personal settings will be remembered for each window.

Many list windows have categories. You can show or hide the category tree and adjust its width. Click on a folder in the category tree to show only rows within that category.

Some list windows also have a details pane and a preview pane. There are multiple layout options. For this video, we’ll hide both panes to maximise the grid space.

Showing, hiding and rearranging columns
Showing, hiding and rearranging columns

You can rearrange the order of columns by dragging the column header.

You can also right-click on any column header to show a menu where you can show, hide and rearrange columns. The selection can be extended by dragging or with Shift+click and Ctrl+click to select groups of contiguous and non-adjacent column names, respectively.

Press the spacebar to toggle the selected check boxes on or off.

Rearrange columns using the up and down buttons.

Grid context menu
Grid context menu

If you right-click on any of the rows, the context menu shows commands that you can perform on the selected rows. This usually includes the command buttons above the grid, plus the less-frequently-used commands in the hamburger menu.

Multiple selections with the check box column
Multiple selections with the check box column

Some grids have a check box column to make multiple selections easier. These grids have more available options in the context menu, such as Show selected items only. This can be useful when you want to generate a CSV for the displayed rows.

Using the search box
Using the search box

By default, the search box will look for the search term in all columns. Click on the drop-down to choose which columns to search.

You can enter multiple search terms to look for values in different columns, or multiple values within the same column.

You can do a wild-card search by entering an asterisk or question mark. An asterisk allows zero or more characters, whereas a question mark allows a single character.

Auto-filter columns
Auto-filter columns

Many grids have auto-filter columns, which are similar to filter columns in Microsoft Excel. Auto-filter columns present different options depending on the type of data in the column.

For example, the Category auto-filter shows a tree view. Hover over a category to see how many records have that category. Categories in grey text have no records at that level, which indicates that all records have subcategories.

Auto-filters allow you to filter by multiple values simultaneously. You can also filter by several columns at once.

You can clear a filter on an individual column via its auto-filter menu, or you can clear all column filters by right-clicking on any column header and clicking Clear all filters.

Date auto-filters also display a tree view. They have useful quick filters to select a date range, such as Last financial year.

You can sort rows by a column by clicking on the column header, or by choosing the sort option from the auto-filter menu.

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