CadTracker helps you create deliverable AutoCAD drawings. Set up title blocks and drawing types, and batch process drawings to update, revise, and print.

Add borders and rev up drawings
add-border-and-create-new-drawing.png Create new AutoCAD drawings with title blocks

Create new drawings with title blocks in just a few clicks

CadTracker pre-fills data based on your most recent selections for each job. You can set up common values such as drawing titles for each project.

Set up borders

Set up AutoCAD title blocks and borders

Map AutoCAD attributes to CadTracker properties for in-house or client title blocks. You can search for attributes by tag or prompt, pick them directly from the DWG, or create new attributes with the recommended tags and prompts.

Set up AutoCAD title blocks and borders
Plot settings
AutoCAD drawing types

Configure AutoCAD drawing types and plot settings

For each project you can set up unique drawing types, with plot settings for PDF and physical plotters for each site in your organisation. This allows operators in different locations to print drawings in their office automatically.

Refresh borders and plot to PDF

Batch process to revise, supersede and print AutoCAD drawings

Easily search, filter and select drawings to rev up, supersede and print to physical plotters or PDF.

Rev up multiple AutoCAD drawings
Drawing register

Generate beautiful, customisable reports

Professional document control wouldn’t be complete without great reports. Keep your team and your clients up to date with flexible drawing registers in Excel (XLSX) format. Customise reports with templates, which allow you to select the columns to display, column order, names, alignments and many other options.

Multiple Drawings Editor

Save time with bulk editing

If you produce deliverable AutoCAD drawings you will often need to update hundreds or even thousands of records at once. With the Multiple Drawings Editor you can bulk edit categories, titles, notes, statuses, operators, tags, notes and more. You can also generate sequential alternative numbers. And you can preview, open and print drawings as PDF or DWG, and view revision data and transmittal histories.

Multiple Drawings Editor
Custom drawing properties

Add custom properties

CadTracker drawings can have up to 10 custom properties, which may be mapped to AutoCAD attributes in title blocks. For each project, previously entered values for each property can be selected from the drop-down lists. Custom properties can also be included in drawing registers.

Display up to seven operators per drawing

You can customise roles for each project. Operators have a name, date, certification and a signature. The signature may be plain text or an image file to be displayed in drawing title blocks.

Drawing operators

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